What I Want (poem)

By Luke Labern

I want to write those words that make it
Look easy, when it’s not.
I want to inspire others to
Write, instead of whine.

I want to breathe relevance,
Exude confidence, and inspire thought.
I want to be a consequence.
I want to block out that which frustrates me
Until I can conquer it.

I want to want nothing but what I can achieve --
I want not to want to want.
I want this to stay with you for life --
Or last longer that you thought it might.
I want the world to be different after my death
Even if I’m not right.

I want to live no longer than I must --
I want to march, cut and thrust.
I want passion every minute of the day
And stunned silence in the night.

I want all things in equal measure
but those closest to me to have their happiness.
I want to take their brunt, and suffer
So that they don’t have to.
I want to write those words that make it
Look easy, even when it isn’t.

(I want to add a stanza to mention
And compliment you, yet again. Better yet,
I want to put down this pen
And translate my thoughts -- and these words --
Into the language of action.)

But what I really want, I rarely speak about --
I go and get it.
                           (But if I don’t,
                           Or if I can’t,
                           Or if you won’t,
                            I’ll write it down
                           And hope someone
                           Profits from my failure.)

But I might – and that’s more than enough for me.
Poetry, 2012-04-23 17:30:00 UTC