The Prognosis of a Passionate Man (Part III) (poem)
By Luke Labern
Though life is submissive to noneA transcendental condition of
Success is the belief that you
Can handle the tests coming your way.
Silent no longer, let me reveal --
If you give up, or practise pessimism,
You've already lost.
Life consumes the weak.
They say the 'stars align' --
But I don't believe it.
No God -- no Gods -- no mysticism.
All we have are the hands we are dealt.
We're all gamblers -- and life is never equal --
But those who win big
Always stake the most.
It's not as dramatic as it sounds.
No cliché bullshit, 'high risk/reward'.
No: I stake my whole life on a single spin,
A single number -- 21 -- and eat, breath, drink and love
The things I do.
If you aren't passionate, you're already dead.
2012-05-13 17:30:44 UTC