The Paradox of the Present (poem)
By Luke Labern
Time is at the back of my mindAlways solemnly stood
Always slipping away
My looming death understood.
Unrivalled motivator
The greatest sapper of strength;
How old am I now? Drawn thin
Over maximal length.
Bead of sweat trickling slowly
Down my brow and past my eye;
How can that be the time? --
I haven't found out why:
Why I dream the things I do;
Why I love and hate so vehemently --
Why I aim for such heights
So quickly, so confidently.
Am I defined by singular
Moments of instinctive chance?
Or am I the series?
Sum-total or momentary glance?
Passionate moments by far -- by far --
My fondest memories,
Yet life is spent in waiting;
Thus passion atrophies.
The heat of blood once boiling
Cools to the point of freezing --
Regret sets in -- in horror
My nerves need swift appeasing.
Who am I? ------
If not that passionate man,
Then who? The in-between totality?
The being I first began?
More and more it seems to me that 'I'
Was never very fixed --
Always (just like the present)
Hovering there -- betwixt.
Betwixt two times: one where words
Archaic forever
(My mind: words never died)
The other -- wherever ...
Wherever 'I' am now:
Here I don't quite feel at ease;
Confident -- yet paranoid;
Fading away by degrees.
Like the paradox of the heap
I'm lost under inspection:
I exist solely during
Moments of self-reflection.
2012-10-17 17:30:25 UTC