The Confident One (poem)

By Luke Labern

My veins are alight -- passionate vehemence
Ignited, the tongue of the flame quivers,
Shakes, dances and hates. So let heat commence --
Taken for granted, I will combust... No more shivers
Now: total destruction ensues. Took me at face
Value... I used to cry here; instead I'll explode --
So, so, alone, I feel like a disgusted new race.
I'm declaring war: the fuel you are sets me down this road
At breakneck pace. Frozen winter landscape
Where I did hibernate; a graveyard now, where trees
Are tombs. How the sun does scorch, and rape,
Pilages, defiles... I am the fire -- whose goal's to freeze
Unappreciation, to layer a cake of ash. Stand where
You are, just accept my promise: fate does not exist.
Take existential liberty and love how many years spare
You've got! All the blood that once spilt from your wrist;
New red will take its place. Take account
Of the wisdom you have: but search always for more:
You'll never know what you need, when hate could mount
Your being, everso fast... Remember what you're living for.
So do not take all for granted,
As my pen on paper cannot always be planted...
Poetry, 2012-01-27 23:18:12 UTC