Something Greater (poem)

By Luke Labern

Though life may have no meaning
In the eyes of a God that does not exist
What I choose becomes my religion—
I organise it however I can.
The scattershot sounds of broken promises,
Drug addiction, injured limbs:
Plastic caps, and book covers bent
By great falls relative to their size—
These things punctuate a stanza, or
A paragraph, depending on my passion—
But never can kill it off. No full stop.
Death and the fear of what comes after
Only scares those in the nursery phase.
The life to be lived by those in the middle
—Those in the spotlight—
Is childhood a mere tutorial for this,
Or the truth from which we run?
I don't mean to leave it behind;
Perhaps I wouldn't if I could.
But I am no mere boy
And I am no mere man
And yes, I have a plan
And yes, I have a store
Of energy that no-one
Can appreciate—let alone rival.
I will help you with your mere survival
But I am concerned with something greater
Whose time was once the ethereal "later"
But is now in the right place
At the right time:
Poetry, 2015-10-25 18:52:05 UTC