Lyrical Predation (poem)
By Luke Labern
What pre-dates a predator?One vacuous bitch with transparent motives,
Flimsy morals and who's life's a bore —
So much so that she broke a votive
'Cause she's a wannabe nihilist trendsetter —
But you've no idea how to do it,
So I'll help you one last time in this poem-cum-letter.
Start with your greatest mistake, and rue it:
Multiply that shit, and turn around —
Fear the shadow of the person who failed,
And ask who could argue so unsoundly,
And believe that they were unjustly jailed?
Yeah — you — now what's a predator to do?
Two options really: — no, make that three —
Kill yourself, obsess about it, or start anew.
What's the difference between you and me?
You're a wannabe bad girl, an impersonator;
You're an arrogant blonde bitch and libido terminator —
And whereas you live life through stale memories, I force mine to fade:
You're the biggest mistake I ever fucking made.
2013-03-13 18:14:36 UTC