Labernism -> Logic (parts IX - XI) (poem)
By Luke Labern
What, do you call it 'cold'?
In practise, it's the opposite:
The time, love and energy
I wasted on
Troubling and uncertain
Friendships, I now
Devote to those few
That I wholly love.
The bonds become stronger
And the doubt and
Anger I had for
The actions of others
Is gone: I am
Left with a wholly
Positive spin on
My relationships:
All because I didn't tolerate
Tenuous bonds with
Questionable people.
An example of a clichéd clause
Broken down into my own terms:
By rejected what 'reality'
Expects of me
I was able to redefine
The terms involved
To bring about
A very real improvement.
By dissociating myself
From an artificially-created
Appearance (and, to be blunt,
Not giving a fuck
What was thought of me...)
I was able to make my life
A productive and hedonistic place.
And that is just the beginning.
If you would like to follow me
Through such literal examples
In my life, then simply
Trace the trail I'm leaving.
It's not to be totally
Understood during my lifetime --
But the impression I leave
After my death, in history
Will have been -- and is --
Meticulously crafted...
The principles behind my existence --
The means through which I flourish --
Are all in place and practise.
It's my job now to translate
Them from the engine
To their blueprints -- to prove
In the written word
What works in my action.
You may decide for yourself
If I succeed -- that,
Precisely, is the point
Of the art that I embrace.
And create. I'll live it
And we'll see what happens.
So I let it all out --
It's not a choice, or an option:
I will live it
And I will love it.
What 'it' is, is
Labernism's logic.
2012-05-27 17:30:52 UTC