Authenticity & Acquiescence (poem)

By Luke Labern

'Roses are red', love is intense --
We experience the same
But we're stuck with the name --
'Love' in itself is so oft over-used
That it would take more than
One man and one woman
To show the world what I mean.

But such originality is like a deep breath
Of authenticity --
                            and that's poisonous to most.
A thick sewer runs below, with coagulated
Truisms, trite wastes-of-breath, and the
                      (But not omnipotent)
As we can wash out that linguistic sludge
And bathe in the crystal-clear aqua presence of
Life in action, not vague description.
And though I don't expect acquiescence, I would
Hope that you either ignore me, or reply with
Poetry, 2012-05-10 17:30:27 UTC